Qcodes is a Python-based data acquisition framework for quantum measurement. It stores data in DB files. qtplot (my fork repo) is a convenient Python-based data visualization tool for analyzing and publication. One can apply math filters (such as a derivative in y direction and smooth), explore linecuts, play with the colorbar in qtplot. In this post I will show readers how to export Qcodes datasets as DAT files so that they can be analyzed with qtplot.
To read Qcodes datasets and instrument status stored in DB files, one need to install the python package Qcodes or lower-level database packages. This is very inconvenient.
Even with Qcodes installed, the visualization tool is less powerful than qtplot (see the next section).
Qcodes data structure and its data viewer
For what I understand, Qcodes stores binary data in a database (DB file). Inside the DB file, each dataset has a unique id called “run_id”. Datasets are also tagged with experiment names (‘characterization’, ‘go to regime 1’, ‘go to regime 2’), sample names (‘device A’, ‘device B’), and ‘run’ names. Qcodes provides a data viewer, Plottr, which looks like this:
Data can be visualized, however no filters, linecuts, or colormap settings can be applied.
Code for exporting
First, define functions:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import qcodes as qc
from qcodes import Station, initialise_or_create_database_at, \
load_or_create_experiment, Measurement, Parameter
def are_indexes_equal(df_dict):
Check if all dataframes in the dictionary have the same index
index_list = [i.index for i in df_dict.values()]
# check index (array values)
are_vals_equal = np.all([i==index_list[0] for i in index_list])
# check index names
index_names_list = [i.names for i in index_list]
are_names_equal = np.all([i==index_names_list[0] for i in index_names_list])
return are_vals_equal and are_names_equal
def add_index_to_col(df):
Add index to columns
The first column is the index changes fastest.
if len(df.index.names)>1:# more than 1 indexes
ind_shape = df.index.levshape
# df.index.levels[0]: values (list) of the first index
if list(df.index.levels[0]) == [i[0] for i in df.index[:ind_shape[0]]] or list(df.index.levels[0])[::-1] == [i[0] for i in df.index[:ind_shape[0]]]:
step = 1
step = -1
new_col_names = list(df.index.names)[::step] + list(df.columns)
size_list = list(ind_shape[::step])
new_col_names = list(df.index.names) + list(df.columns)
size_list = [len(df.index)]
# Convert index into normal columns
df = df.reset_index()
# Reset index columns so that first col changes fastest
df = df.reindex(columns=new_col_names)
return df,size_list
def dataset_to_dataframe(dataset):
df_dict = dataset.to_pandas_dataframe_dict()
if are_indexes_equal(df_dict):
# combine multiple dataframes of parameters into one
df = pd.concat(df_dict.values(), axis='columns')
df,size_list = add_index_to_col(df)
return df,size_list
raise('Indexes are not equal, check the dataset!')
def get_dat_filename(dataset):
return f'{os.path.split(dataset.path_to_db)[-1][:-3]}.{dataset.run_id}.dat'
def get_dat_meta(dataset, dataframe, size_list):
paramspecs = dataset.paramspecs
counter = 0
meta_string = f'''\
# Filename: {get_dat_filename(dataset)}
# Timestamp: {dataset.run_timestamp()}
for name in dataframe.columns:
p = paramspecs[name]
label = f'{p.name}_({p.label}({p.unit}))'
meta_string += f'''\
# Column {counter+1}:
#\tname: {label}
if counter<len(size_list):
meta_string += f'''\
#\tsize: {size_list[counter]}
elif counter<3:# otherwise qtplot won't import the data
meta_string += f'''\
#\tsize: {1}
counter += 1
meta_string += '\n'
return meta_string
def export_setting_file(dataset,folder='',overwrite=False):
dat_path = get_dat_filename(dataset)
settings_str = f'''\
Filename: {dat_path}
Timestamp: {dataset.run_timestamp()}
instr_dict = dataset.snapshot['station']['instruments']
for ins_key, ins in instr_dict.items():
settings_str += f'Instrument: {ins_key}\n'
if 'address' in ins:
settings_str += f"\taddress: {ins['address']}\n"
for para_key, para in ins['parameters'].items():
# for each parameter in the instrument we only export name and value
if 'value' in para:
settings_str += f"\t{para_key}: {para['value']}\n"
settings_str += '\n'
# qcodes also has standalone "parameters" in snapshot,
# however, in SET files parameters must be associated to an instrument
instr_dict = dataset.snapshot['station']['parameters']
for ins_key, ins in instr_dict.items():
settings_str += f'Instrument: {ins_key}\n'
# here ins is in fact a parameter
for para_key, para in ins.items():
settings_str += f"\t{para_key}: {para}\n"
settings_str += '\n'
file_path = os.path.join(folder,dat_path.replace('.dat','.set'))
if (not os.path.isfile(file_path)) or overwrite:
# if file not exists or file exists but overwrite is true
print(f'Saving file "{file_path}"...', end='')
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
print(' Done.')
print(f'File "{file_path}" already exists and has not been overwritten.')
return file_path
def export_dat_file(dataset,folder='',overwrite=False):
df,size_list = dataset_to_dataframe(dataset)
meta = get_dat_meta(dataset,df,size_list)
save_to_path = get_dat_filename(dataset)
file_path = os.path.join(folder,save_to_path)
if (not os.path.isfile(file_path)) or overwrite:
# if file not exists or file exists but overwrite is true
print(f'Saving file "{file_path}"...', end='')
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
df.to_csv(f, sep='\t', float_format='%.12e', line_terminator='\n', index=False, header=False)
print(' Done.')
print(f'File "{file_path}" already exists and has not been overwritten.')
return file_path
def to_dat(db_path, exp_id, dat_folder='',overwrite=False):
dataset = qc.load_by_id(exp_id)
dat_path = export_dat_file(dataset,dat_folder,overwrite)
return dat_path
Then load a dataset and export files:
exp_id = i
db_file_path = r'C:\**\**.db'
dat_folder = '**'
dat_path = to_dat(db_file_path, exp_id, dat_folder,overwrite=False)
db_file_path = r'C:\**\**.db'
folder = r'C:\**\**'
dataset = qc.load_by_id(5)
dat_path = f'{folder}\\{get_dat_filename(dataset)}'
Drag and drop the DAT file onto qtplot: